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Planning a Home Renovation? Follow These 10 Steps

May 01, 20242 min read

As a homeowner, starting a renovation project can feel overwhelming.

And know that’s totally okay. 

The best place for you to start is by breaking down your project into smaller, and thereby more manageable, sections.

We have put together these 10 things you must think about to help simplify the planning process.

It will help you to define what you want, why you want, and if it actually makes sense for you, and anyone else who it’ll affect.

Here they are!

  1. Get the whole family involved in the project. This renovation should have a positive impact on everyone in the household!

  2.  Take inspiration from magazines, Pinterest, etc. and create a scrapbook (physical or digital) to create your dream list.

  3. Put together a list of what is and what is not currently working in your home. This should include both design and functionality.

  4. Take a moment to write down your list of wants versus needs. Make sure you take into account your short and long term goals. Write as many as possible down and don’t hold back.

  5. Take note of any pieces of furniture or appliances that must be considered in the design process.

  6. Ask friends and family members whom have recently completed a renovation what they did, what they wish they would have known prior to starting, and what they would do differently on their next renovation.

  7. Determine the upper threshold (maximum) of your budget, and communicate this to your designer and contractor along with your wants versus needs list. They’ll be better equipped to provide you with the advice you need to hear.

  8. Determining a reasonable time to complete the renovation. Take into account any special occasions that are coming up. The design and finish selection process can in some cases take longer than the construction activities.

  9. Consider if the planned renovations will affect your every day life and think about alternative accommodations for a period of time when the most disruptive work is happening.

  10. Most importantly, have fun doing it!


So what do you think…

Was this list helpful? Were we way off the mark? What would you add or take away from our list?

Be sure to reach out to us on one or all of our social media channel and let us know!

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